Press Reviews

Now that Johnny Prime is a bad-ass, well known food writer, he sometimes gets invited to special food and restaurant events, or he is asked to review products and restaurants in exchange for a free item or meal. He maintains his honesty and integrity at all times. A free item or meal won’t stop him from saying if he dislikes something, whether it is a product, a dish or a restaurant. That said, read on with confidence, knowing that he wouldn’t steer you in the wrong direction. In fact, some of his favorite restaurants and steakhouses happen to be places that he dined at for free, for a press review or special event, like Angus Club, Capizzi and Via Vai.

If you would like to call upon Johnny to review your product or establishment, or if you would like to request his presence at a food-related special event, feel free to drop him a line though the CONTACT JOHNNY page.

Below is an alphabetical listing of Johnny’s press reviews and special event write-ups:

carnivore connoisseur